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About Us

The Ministry of SASS (TMOS) was born when one of my kids wondered out loud, “Why can’t we get scrunchies in the same material as our clothes mummy?”.  With a brave, “I can do that”, we looked at some videos, cut up some old clothes for our first fabrics and TMOS was born!

The kids loved it! The next step was a trip to a fabric store. They just love the process of choosing fabric in the store and participating in the process of turning that flat sheet of material into a pretty scrunchie that they can wear and show their friends.

Lead by their intrepid mumprener aka the Minister of SASS, our sassy children are our sasspiration (see what we did there?) and delight in helping to choose fabrics and creating our handmade scrunchies, hair bows, and packing orders.

We are based out of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia and when we aren’t sewing or editing or adding to our fabric stockpile, we love to fish and hit the beach as a family.
The Ministry thanks you for stopping by!